воскресенье, 1 апреля 2012 г.

Tired of seo, seo tired

My typical day starts with checking the status of sites in the panels and the lira. Several times a day, has watched the dynamics of the visit. It helps to understand the change in traffic, quality, time to take action. And sometimes it fucking lira buggy - data is written to the counter with a delay, and the morning of the negative dynamics of the evening is a positive or insignificant deviations.

And truly, I love the weekly charts. They both confirm the quality of my work. How to make a penny candy.

Masturbate to this picture. Remember that he took the site with zeros, and now there is about 50 % of the potential ceiling for niche. Then look at the other, have a monthly.

Remember how the site has resulted in an order and slipped a reference to sympathetic kick in the ass and bring a new level of attendance. Hello, Roma.

And then you look at the losers, which is probably already under the filters, because they do not move nifiga. And remember history as a site received nizachto filters, the other suddenly came out from under them. As the transition has affected superbly mail to your search engine.

But the dismal mood does not change. Every day you get up, test, monitor, communicate with customers, fuckin ' with lyrics. It's boring - doing the same thing day in and day.

Another thing, when you do something new. For example, are now trying to start the mass production of Fedorov. More are discussing what we do. But in a dispute born truth.

The hardest thing in this work, this is not the motivation at the beginning of. Since this is usually not a problem - you can find enough reasons to start. Gorazdno harder to find a reason to continue. Let's say you cook every day, morning toast with butter. But one day forget to buy the oil and the program gets off. You go to the wafers. Though mind you know that Butera was a more appropriate choice for the morning meal. And a huge effort is to start again to get up five minutes early to make Butera, not just to get to the morning coffee from a couple of packs of vkusnyashek. The brain refuses to recognize that the desire to reduce the entropy actually need you as an individual, not just a walking bag of bones and blood.

I saw that all things Marathon. Stir and I was something, something as. Well, there, how to earn $ 500 for 15 minutes. Per minute and Trace. But Cho, I do not weakly. Yesterday was just. All for fun, or follow an extended action - such as a seoserial with an unknown ending? . Now razivaetsya productive series - 120tysyach per customer per year. Who will end around the figure of 90. But still nothing is clear.

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