среда, 18 апреля 2012 г.

That is going to force players to sign the ACT.

I, _____________________________________________________, ( mob. : _________________________, E-mail: __________________________) ( hereinafter - the ...

The ticket entitles you to a one-time visit to the event, the date and time specified on the ticket. The ticket is nominal and can not be transferred to a third party.
Time of the event, its program, the time of departure and arrival at the port of the vessel, as well as time of arrival and departure of the ship to the island Participants were explained to the ticket purchase.
The administration is not responsible for any delay in the administration of the Participant's ship from any point of his route according to the following program of events. The administration is not responsible for any consequences that entailed a delay to the Participant, and does not return the money paid for the ticket and does not compensate for any other expenses of the Participant resulting from such delay.

Services are provided at the event and are not included in the cost of participation in the event members pay separately. For information about the list of such services can be found at the reception arrangements and staff.
The administration is not responsible for damage to life, health and property of the Participant to any other party activities. Each participant is responsible for all consequences of his own misconduct in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine.
Administration is not responsible for the harm associated with deteriorating health and death of the Participant as a result of consumption of services activities, if the Participant's condition has deteriorated as a result of acute injury or chronic disease, and also due to improper interaction with other participants of the event.
For the forgotten, lost or left unattended things the administration is not responsible. Found items are stored for two weeks from the date of the event specified on the ticket.
Administration bans in the event the use of alcoholic beverages, as well as any and psychotropic substances, brought with them any of the participants, the use of which may lead to a breach of any of the paragraphs of these rules and the threat to life, health and safety of any participant activities. The administration is not responsible for the consequences associated with use of the above, as well as any other substances with similar effects, as well as for damage caused by other participants of the event associated with their use.
For damage caused to property organizers participant is liable under the current legislation of Ukraine.
The administration reserves the right to make changes to existing rules and schedule of events, without the prior written notification of their change of event participants.
If you violate the above rules, the administration of the event reserves the right to consider early termination of the Participant's participation in this event, and, if necessary, isolation from the other participants of the Participant in the security interests of the latter.
For compliance with the above rules, monitors security service.

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