понедельник, 2 апреля 2012 г.

Summing up the results of 2010go years)

In early 2010 I put a few. goals. Specially recorded them in a blog to get out and then had nowhere )) Now that we summarize.
Thus, the number one goal:.

Run without foreign investment, and the first small project to reach the end of the year at the monthly rate of profit, which is able to provide my existence (about 100 thousand rubles ), and studies for new projects (about 50 thousand rubles). That is, in this area should be two results: the business operates and makes the necessary income, I'm not working at his uncle, but I live in this fine.

What can I say?.

  1. The project we have started. By the end of the year he went to the break-even point and gives the money for their own development. The purpose of the financing itself through the business has not been achieved. But the business works.

  2. The reasons? . Two months after starting the business we lost him an active interest and simply do not engage in its development. Oh and I moved from Tomsk )) He lived a life of its own. In the near future we are selling because the business model is good (once he not only survived, but he went to break-even point, and he grows, without any kind of interference ), just to close it makes no sense. In general, Tomich, who wants a well- worked packaged business with great potential for development and is ready to make a fuss, please contact us by e-mail )) Our conclusions - never run a business geographically bound. That you have received? .

  3. I 'm working for someone else? . So from that point of view of goal has almost been reached.

The second objective read as follows:.

Get financing for a major project to assemble a team and start the preparatory work.

This objective is completed). Even exceeded, because the project is not a. I 'm in a new area where the life comes to a boil soon ).
Goal number three:.

Bring this blog to the number of readers at least 500.

Quite unexpectedly reached) ) Of course, the first time I was very extensive updating, because I wrote a lot, then a few times, he retreated into the background when I moved, or was too busy, but that is what it is, look into the eyes of the facts .

What other unexpected milestones have been passed?.

  1. I helped a few people stop working at his uncle and now they have their own business is quite successful;.

  2. We stopped to look at Russia as the only possible market and began to look globally at all that we do;.

  3. We are NOT a single project;.

  4. We now have no self-doubt and no fears of looking for investors. Full range of possibilities, that is the most important conclusion of this year )) Open your mind, Neo )).

In general, all is not quite as vidilos earlier this year, but most importantly - a jump occurred, occurred in the right direction. And most importantly, thanks largely to people who at first just started reading this blog!.
So, dear readers, thank you!.

At the request of UPD dear readers) ).

It is evident that we are not quick to go around, and then BAMS and all come true for the new year) ))).

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