понедельник, 23 апреля 2012 г.

The new man - Terminator

In the legends and myths of immortal gods but only certain characters who have received this gift for his outstanding feats. And nowhere is said, went there for the benefit of them, this had fallen from heaven 's mercy. All others must eventually leave this very vale. So ordered nature.

However, there is another point of view. Even in the nineteenth century it was suggested by the German scientist Weisman. He believed that nature was not programmed death as the inevitable end of all life. On the other hand, creating the first living creatures, microbes, it has doomed them to immortality. Indeed, the simplest multiply by division, from one organism results in two, each of which, in turn, is also divided, and so on to infinity.

Death, according to Weismann, there was much later, in the further evolution to a constant succession of generations of descendants to release vital niche. At the same time appeared, and old age - as preparation for the inevitability of the fatal. Thus, death is not required because the original is not programmed. So, is not required, and old age.

Despite the fantastic nature of this hypothesis it has adherents, and in our time. All the more so from a variety of human genes, transcript of which was rapid, the gene age was not found.

RAMS Vladimir Shabalin does not support this hypothesis. According to him, and old age and death - it is mandatory components and dead matter, and, above all, live. Without aging and death evolution of living beings would have been impossible. And she has survived on this planet two stages: first, chemical evolution, the pinnacle of which was the emergence of large protein molecules that interact with each other, then the biological - ended with the creation of animals and, ultimately, human. Now, said Shabalin, on the order of the third stage - living matter within the scope of intellectual evolution. This is where the intellect is actively involved in the underlying natural processes underlying the development of all living things.

Involuntarily the question arises: Is the biological development of humanity did not take place under the guidance of his intellect?.

After all, the same medicine has done so much to improve human longevity, to rid it from the worst epidemic. But her efforts were aimed at to save the lives of individuals, of individuals, but the preservation of mankind as a species, it is not particularly care.

This is clearly illustrated by the antibiotics that have been rescued from death, millions of patients and was sentenced to the death of billions of healthy people, pretending ' homo sapiens ' helpless before the unseen killer. Antibiotics have helped our immune system to fight against pathogens, but they made ​​her dependent on himself, unable to resist infections on their own. No wonder so prevalent today, allergies - the immune system unable to resist the external stimuli. But as long as our immune system a rest ' on a pillow ' of antibiotics, microbes, bacteria, viruses, wildly improved, creating new strains that transcend antibiotics.

And now our relaxed, coddled immune system, which we pass on an inheritance to our children, and those - her ( in a more relaxed state), new ailments afflict - the same AIDS, chlamydia, genital infections, and the worst - fungal formation, affecting . If the immune system is weakened - and today it is commonplace - the fungus grows in the skin and mucous membranes, and bones, and brain, dooming the unfortunate man to eternal suffering, disfigurement, or early death. That is why such hopes for genetic engineering, not only frees man from the real, but also from possible diseases, without weakening the immune system.

Biorobot - option.

Thus, the third stage of evolution - is, in particular, when the intellect interferes with the genetic program of development of living beings. And intervenes actively: we can cut out the abnormal gene can insert a healthy gene is required - in other words, we begin to implement some approaches to a change in the genome, to manage them. This is the first component of intellectual evolution.

The second component - search for approaches to the formation of man of the future, specifically endowed with new qualities. He has already come up with the name: ' mighty men '. But what it will look like? .
This is done. British scientist Kevin Warwick implanted a microchip in your forearm. Only in the forearm - and this gave him the opportunity to maintain contact with the institute mental computer, and through him to give the team a computer in his house: open window or door, turn on the stove in the kitchen, etc. Dr.. You can imagine the possibilities open to Warwick, when he implanted a microchip in the brain, and that is what he is going to soon realize.

Went further Russian professor, who lives in the United States, Alexander Bolonkin. However, while theoretically. According to his prophecy, the time will come when mankind will be forced to replace all the neurons of the brain microchips, finding, therefore, the real immortality, and the body to manufacture of steel, replacing parts of it as wear and tear. So the idea of combining biology with artificial structures, the creation of original termination does not groundless fiction. But whether it is a forced way of evolution?.

- This situation can not be excluded, - said Vladimir Shabalin. - It is known that all living species to determine the nature of existence of the term. At the end of it they go away from the scene, freeing up other. Also, and humanity - it will take. But hopefully, will not disappear completely, and with his intelligence goes through the formation of a new branch, more highly organized, so that the creation of bio-robots - one of the principal directions.

But then, natural features, the same genetic and biological components of evolution, far from exhausted its potential. And if we are to adjust their intellectual intervention in the biogenic processes, we can get better benefits than the implantation of chips. So, too, that this direction is, and probably it will be preferable.

The top - pure intellect.

Taken to assert that a man - is the most perfect creation of nature. But I think it is somewhat presumptuous opinion. Indeed, that is aimed at the evolution? . Meanwhile, people - it is, roughly speaking, a mechanism that 98-99 percent of their capacity to spend its purely biological development. Only 1 to 2 per cent to spend on the development of intelligent.

The efficiency much lower than that of a locomotive. We need a mechanism of evolution? . She would leave him. And above all, will go through the intervention of intellectual matter into their own development. First, this intervention at the gene level, which had actually begun, then the transition to the deeper structures. In other words, intelligence is managed by a.

A natural question arises: what is the outcome of this process? . Debate can only be of what length of time it withdrew the nature of. And do not be surprised by large numbers: in actual fact we are only at the beginning of life's journey.
Evolution is a rapidly increasing rate, but we have everything ahead of time for intelligent intervention in their own development rather. And the fact that this intervention will be more voluminous, undoubtedly. The only question is which way it goes - by way of a Warwick and Bolonkin predicted that the merger of natural and man-made structures, or the intellectual evolution will be based on the nature, method of selecting the biological development.

Academic Shabalin holds the second option.

- In the early stages it will be more and more perfect adjustment of the genome - he says. - Then, when all the possibilities it will be exhausted, when humanity will be spared from the many other genetic diseases and pathological distortions that will come into effect other programs. The biological in man is more and more go into the intellectual. In the end, humanity will turn into Solaris - common intellectual substance, not in need of biological solids. This substance is, of course, must have some kind of executive agencies to provide themselves with everything you need, but in what form - as long as it is difficult to imagine.

From the ocean came in and return it.

One should not forget that the primary ' stock ', the primary ocean, gave rise to all living creatures on our planet, too, was Solaris, although it is not thinking. Then he began to share the ' individuals ', the individual physical body, through which came the modern evolution of excellence. But life evolves in a spiral, so that the merge again in the Solaris on a new qualitative level, it is logical.
World population is growing steadily, and this process is constant. And the creation of our physical bodies is limited to purely physical facilities - Mother resources of the planet. Not much in the world of matter, from which it is created and the biological world, and above all an intellectual. Since the creation of the intellectual world is more and more prevalent, then it will go more and more material. So that our bodies will gradually move from a purely biological forms into intelligent. In some substances the wave. Anyway, so is thinking outside the box many scientists.

The fact that we already are a wave of substance. If you believe in physics, of course, but do not believe it until there is no reason. Physics also says that everything is made of atoms, and atoms of the elementary particles - electrons, protons, neutrons, which in turn are composed of more elementary quarks. Well, the elementary particles, put simply - are clusters of electromagnetic fields.

So to link these fields to the new forms of human existence, adapted to changing environmental conditions - perhaps physics to deal with that. The more that this process will take place - if, of course - for thousands and even millions of years that we have ahead of.

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