Yevgeny Velikhov, president of the Russian Research Centre ' Kurchatov Institute ', ' Today is the universe thinks of us with the following riddle. We do not know what it consists of a substance that we see in the Universe. This can be explained only so -called dark energy. In this case, the word ' dark ' to be understood in the sense that we do not see, do not know, do not understand.
One of the candidates for dark matter - the physical vacuum, which, as scientists say, contains all. It sounds unusual, but in some sense a vacuum and have the whole world. Physics has proven that everything we see and feel, elementary particles, all of the objects, and even you and I - it's just different states of physical vacuum, which exceeds the energy density of all the ordinary forms of matter together.
Astrophysicists space vacuum compared to the oceans, where one sees only what is on the surface, while the real processes taking place at great depth. Vacuum - a reality that occurs with some frequency. For a moment the number is about ten to forty-fourth degree.
Narrated by Arkady Galper, director of the Institute of Space Physics MiFi: ' We know a few models that would explain it, but all of these models need to be checked. These particles, which claims to be the nature of dark matter, the so-called weakly interacting particles are born in the early stages of the Universe. These particles can interact with each other, then they disappear, and then through a series of stages, they become known to us, electrons and positrons '.
There is a well-known physical experience of the lamp, which flashes at regular intervals. Two instruments that have the same frequency on and off, will show different results: one unit will light all the time off, and another lamp, on the contrary, all the time to shine. Physicists believe that anything that seems continuous, actually vibrates and fluctuates. According to recent studies, it is from the physical vacuum as a result of perturbations generated space and time. With the vacuum bound and puzzling phenomena such as the mole hole - a bridge between worlds.
Says Anatoly Cherepashchuk, director of the National Astronomical Institute of the Sternberg: ... Of course, we need a very powerful engines, because there is a strong gravitational field. But it is possible to create conditions in order to sneak back and forth. Wormholes in the initial stage of formation of the universe could have formed from the vacuum '.
Continues Igor Novikov, deputy director of the Astro Space Center of Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences: ... These structures ( wormhole ) appeared at a time when the universe was born, and only began to expand. Then the space was very twisted and boiled, is dynamically changed '.
Along with the expansion of the universe grows and the vacuum energy. The energy density is constant, which is possible only if the vacuum pressure is negative. This and many other mysteries of the vacuum astrophysicists have yet to unravel.
Kulakovskaya: Hello, dear listeners! . Subject is difficult, but try to understand what it is, you can. We are used to represent the vacuum as empty space, that is, the space in which there is no particle. But according to quantum theory, a vacuum - it is not empty. This set of virtual particles that constantly emerge and disappear, then there is a vacuum at all times ' breathing ', or vary.
What is this structure that science is not yet known. But scientists believe the research vacuum, experiments are currently underway in accelerators, in the future will completely change our understanding of the universe. What is a vacuum, dark matter, or lack thereof? . Rostislav Feofanovich, hello.
Polishchuk: Hello, Mary.
Kulakovskaya: Rostislav Feofanovich, please explain what a vacuum? .
Polishchuk: All physics in a sense, physics is the vacuum. At the time of peace portrayed as Democritus atomic void. It turns out that the so-called empty - it's all. It is forbidden by quantum mechanics. Atoms - as if some bubbles in champagne, relatively speaking. All elementary particles that make up atoms - a quantum of excitation of physical vacuum. The law of conservation of mass energy for a set of vacuum and matter. During the Big Bang, almost all of the vacuum energy has given its mass of matter, which was born out of our metagalaxy.
Kulakovskaya: Rostislav Feofanovich and dark energy, which, according to recent data, up to 95 percent of matter in the universe - is also a vacuum?.
Polishchuk: Yes, because the vacuum can not be empty. It is forbidden by quantum mechanics, because the zero field with zero momentum of its development is contrary to the principle of uncertainty. Geometric void is prohibited. The substance of which is metagalaxy. It is approximately 100 billion galaxies with 100 billion stars in each. This vacuum has given almost all her energy, but it is the equation of state, that ordinary matter and light thinning, and a vacuum is constant.
Here we have to reconsider the concept of mass and energy. They are not as they seem for the first time. It's not just the ability to produce work. If we pushed the stone out of matter and antimatter, there would be a monstrous explosion, and we would see that the stone - a compressed energy that only you should be able to extract. The man knows how to break up a very heavy atoms like uranium ( atomic bomb ) or very easy to push. Now they want to light the artificial sun - make a fusion reaction that occurs in the Sun.
The conservation law holds for a set of vacuum and matter. It's just a shift of the vacuum. It turns out he microgranular: there are no points, there are extra dimensions. Space and time are eleven. Only three measurements dekompaktifitsirovalis, that is, acquired microscopic. In grains of space is a compact dimension. There is a theory of strings: those strings as it were, wound many times. It turns out that in string cosmology, there exists a T-duality, which implies the equivalent of an infinitely large and infinitely small size. That is, review the concept of length.
We can see that what we consider absolute values , in fact, things are relative, and they are completely transformed from a new point of view, as a special case, as a kind of visibility. This is so impressed by Einstein, that he felt a sense of cosmic awe of the beauty of the universe, and called her a sense of cosmic religious feeling. By this he meant the religious enthusiasm and admiration for the strength of the human mind, the one capable of knowing.
Kulakovskaya: The universe as we know, is expanding. Does this mean that the vacuum it gets bigger? .
Polishchuk: The fact that it expands, it is not surprising. Dynamics - is a law of general. How did the universe? . That is, the two events did not know that between the time they are separated by a space. Therefore, survived the most homogeneous, so-called de Sitter metric, which can be represented as a four- Plank hyperboloid embedded in five-dimensional world of Minkowski.
Tunnel transition we moved into this state. We do not know what it was before that time itself was not, when there was such an annihilation of winding strings of different, and so-called topological went out of fashion. First there was light, but light is weakened as the fourth power of size. Light particles collided and gave birth to a particle with rest mass: electrons, positrons, nucleons, antinucleons. They are weakened as the size of the third degree, because the volume increases as the third degree. And the radiation-dominated stage has been replaced by a real- dominated.
The equation of state of vacuum pressure is equal in absolute value of the mass density of negative energy, that is, acts as a repulsion. There is a kind antigravity. Therefore, the rest of the substance, which appeared in the Big Bang, is weakening, and again, as five billion years ago, the vacuum whose density is constant, is determining the dynamics of the Universe. Today it is about 70 percent of the mass energy of our universe.
There are still about 25 percent of the so-called dark matter, which is in contrast to the uniform vacuum. She, too, are grouped in clusters around galaxies and clusters of galaxies. This is visible only a small part, and even five per cent of the visible part of only one-tenth, that is, half a percentage point - is the visible stars. This is the tip of the iceberg. But we can determine the dynamics of these galaxies, there are still some dark mass, which manifests itself only gravitationally. And observational cosmology gives us these options: what is unseen matter and energy is invisible.
The vacuum can not be zero, it is forbidden by quantum mechanics. What will happen next, we do not know. There is a rapid expansion, and the world is expanding only in the system, which is accompanied by a substance that has arisen after the Big Bang. In the de Sitter metric is also a section where the space is not three dimensional, not flat four-dimensional space-time false constant curvature. These three-dimensional space is a three-dimensional sphere, which also extended over time. There is also need to talk about the concept of the reference system. Visible galaxies correspond to one frame, and the de Sitter metric in its essence is best suited another, geodesically complete system.
Then its a purely thematic things that allow us to more deeply understand the geometry of space and time that we see around. All astronomy - a shift from the visible picture of what lies behind it. We see a distant quasar. The light from it came to us ten billion years ago, and we do not know what it is now.
Kulakovskaya: Himself quasar not?.
Polishchuk: We need to move on to assessing the current state of the universe, based on the visible picture. Therefore, the increasing role played by speculation. Even string theory is not all admit, though she made a major breakthrough. In Einstein one hundred years ago there was a view that the measure - a point event. But the point is not resisting the fact that you build one, and if there is some string with its principles of self-organization.
Generally speaking, you have a constructor of simple parts, and you have to build one. This extremum principle, ie a state with minimal energy is more likely than more. You can not build peace and the building of an entirely different bricks that do not fit each other. Something does not organize itself, not symmetrized. But it turns out that the very foundation arranged a surprisingly simple and nice. This is the premise of an infinite variety of our world. Just as on Earth, we have a common genetic code of all living things, so we build the body of carnivorous plants and foods that consume.
We see what a monstrous variety around: all the ecological niches occupied by the Earth: the air, and land. Now they say also that, under the ground at a depth of several kilometers there is a bacterial form of life, not less powerful by weight than the ground. Life is - surprisingly tenacious thing, and is almost infinite variety is possible only if the fundamental simplicity of the elements, all of which is. Vacuum - this is the background that gave rise to this variety.
Kulakovskaya: Rostislav Feofanovich, but knowledge of the vacuum can lead to a change in personality traits, and even the device of the brain?.
Polishchuk: The Man, indeed, not only space but also the essence of the quantum level to the macroscopic. He seems to connect the micro-, macro-and mega-level. There is a polarization of male and female self-correction of biological, hereditary code, there is a polarization of the spiritual worldview of self-correction for the spiritual development of mankind. There are two poles. Man lives at the North Pole difficulties, and therefore able to understand the fundamental simplicity of structure of the universe. There is here the identity. The man - a feature universal: it is, living in time, live by the laws of the fact that the above time.
Elementary particles - on the other end of extreme simplicity. In elementary particle has no memory, whereas the essence of man - it is in memory. We're talking or listening to music, and being - to some extent, the music, it makes sense. Only when we remember all that was made, anticipating what is to sound. That is, the man sets goals, creates new opportunities, rather than simply chooses imposed. That's the way human life.
In addition to polarity, and began to ease, complexity and daunting, there is a profound unity of their. Man realizes this unity of the whole picture of the world. And that it is beautiful, and perhaps even scary. A man - a creature that is due to its development may overstep limits. Animal behavior is limited by their instincts, and the man is more free. But people still understand that the most important thing - be a man.
Kulakovskaya: That is, the man - being scary and complicated?.
Polishchuk: a double. He created it - the great thing. Language of Heidegger - a house being. But then people got so carried away tongue that detached from reality. Sophists and the lawyers know the art of rhetoric, able to prove and convince the. By manipulating the mind is not very intellectually advanced students, they prove the correctness of those who paid more. It is a disease. Science does not operate assurances as indoctrination ' buy ', ' vote ', and is based on firmly established facts, obtained by it in the long struggle for scientific truth. Therefore, it is never sobesh, and the only problem is that in society it is not enough demand.
When the power problems could be foreseen, awaiting the Soviet Union, was created by the Institute of Applied Mathematics, to understand what lies ahead. In the mid-eighties was issued forecast: a high probability that the Soviet Union fall apart in 1991. That is, it is possible to model social processes. To understand the fate of Russia, one must understand the laws of motion of global capital, and then we can really appreciate the possibilities of our country.
The evolution equation of the conditional information (equation Chernavskii ) equally describes and ethnogenesis, and the development of class struggle and political systems and the emergence of drug trafficking and trade, and distribution of money. That is, a lot. There are universal methods with varying degrees of accuracy can be predictive of different processes, finding this fundamental simplicity that lies at the heart of our existence. Without this background it is difficult to treat people properly and professionally to the evaluation of everything around him, and to the assessment itself.
Kulakovskaya: Why do we need studies of vacuum? .
Polishchuk: The Man - a cosmic being, born under the law of outer space space. Space - this is our big house. Andrei Sakharov has introduced a special term - Astroparticle Physics. In order to understand the structure of the macrocosm, we must understand the structure of the quantum foundation of the world in which we see that the concept of space, time and matter are not the primary.
To resolve the contradictions that exist today, we must turn to the basics. This is an internal need and requirement of syllogistic. It turns out that the foundation of our world is not Aristotelian logic, and quantum, which is born of ordinary logic, familiar to us. We need to know where the limits of applicability of the concepts that we live in, because we are accustomed to asking questions of the past, waiting for the latest answers. And there are even required by certain sectors of society dogmatic religion such as Buddhism.
Science goes on. It shows even the necessity of becoming dogmatic phase of human development, but surpasses it, and every break in the exact sciences profoundly changes the whole picture of the world. Everything is subjected to a fundamental reappraisal. For example, we know that there was a time when there was no time. We can say that the world - is a hierarchy of moments, and in space there is only one moment of cosmic. There is a horizon: the time in the beginning, when we can say something about the world, and the time at the end, beyond which we do not yet know what will happen to our world.
Because people - a cosmic being, then it is very important to understand the structure of the cosmos and our place in it. This amazing space is arranged beautifully and simply, but to get to this simplicity is required in the assault on the mysteries of nature through the centuries and millennia. We climb to the top of some that are hard to climb, but then we see as the palm. That's the beauty of scientific knowledge.
There are things that require the solidarity of mankind. For example, to build a very powerful telescopes, bring them into orbit? . ed. ), So push them to split up and look inside.
Kulakovskaya: Yes, it Collider.
Polishchuk: Thanks to the work of the Large Hadron Collider, which began last year, it is hoped to open the Higgs bosons, the mechanisms of acquisition of the rest masses. Were initially massless particles, which have the status light. When they begin to oscillate back and forth with the speed of light, they have a kind of time line with a nonzero mass. That is, we review the concepts of mass, length and time, and see how the usual space -time is born of the world, from which we are made. We are on the verge of revising the old world view and picture the old man and mankind. We must be ready, because there are fewer illusions, but we are more potent.
Kulakovskaya: Thank you, Rostislav Feofanovich for an interesting conversation. I remind you that in our studio was Rostislav Polischuk, a theoretical physicist, a member of the Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences.
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News from Skypecine. com.
понедельник, 30 апреля 2012 г.
Living vacuum
пятница, 27 апреля 2012 г.
Heavenly City - Abode of God
December 26, 1994 in the U.S. space agency (NASA) got a lot of noise.
After deciphering a series of images transmitted from the telescope ... Representatives from NASA did not wait too long to disable access to the Web server telescope, which contains all the images taken with the ... Thus, taken with the telescope's pictures, then (and still are) strictly secret for a few minutes were made available to users world-wide network.
So what astronomers see in these amazing photographs? . But when a professor at the University of Florida, Ken Wilson (Ken Wilson) decided to look at a photo detail and in addition to optics, ...
After a short operational meeting it was decided to make a copy of Professor Wilson said part of the sky with a maximum for the ... Huge lenses multimeter Space Telescope focused on the farthest corner of the universe, accessible review of the telescope. There were a few specific clicks a camera shutter, which announced the team fixing the computer image on the telescope operator joker. And the ... Laputa, and science-fiction cities of the future projects.
Huge construction in the sprawling expanse of the cosmos many billions of miles, shone with an unearthly light. Floating City was unanimously recognized as the Abode of the Creator, a place where only and may be placed the throne of God. NASA representative stated that the City can not be populated in the usual sense of the word is likely to live in it the souls of dead people.
However, the right to exist, and another, no less fabulous version of the origin of cosmic Cities. The fact that the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, whose very existence for decades without even being questioned, scientists are faced with a paradox. If we assume that the universe is massively populated by many civilizations, standing at different levels of development, among them must inevitably be some supertsivilizatsii, not simply released into space, but actively settled in the vast expanses of the universe. And the activity of these supertsivilizatsy, including engineering - to change the natural environment (in this case, outer space and in the zone of influence objects) - should be visible at a distance of many millions of light years.
But nothing like this, until recently, astronomers have been reported. And now - a clear man-made object is galactic scales. It is possible that the City, the observed ...
Size of Cities hit. No one we know of celestial objects can not compete with the giant. Our Earth is in the City would be just a grain of sand on the outer side of the dusty avenue. Where are moving - and moving it at all - this giant? . Galaxy ...
However, the three-dimensional modeling of the remote parts of the universe became apparent stunning fact: it is not part of the universe removed from us, and we - from her. Why is the starting point has been moved to City. Because this is a vague spot on photographs found in a computer model of the ... Volumetric motion picture has clearly shown that the galaxy is run away, but it is from the point of the universe, which is located in the City. In other words, all galaxies, including ours out once it is from this point of space, and it rotates around the cities of the Universe. So first impression of the City, as the Abode of God, was extremely successful and close to the truth.
In this case, the opposite has happened, the science with the help of technical means confirmed, or at least brought a weighty proof of loyalty to the basic postulates of religion - the existence of a single Creator, who lives in the City of shining in the heavens.
However, no matter how expected any such message, its effects are almost unpredictable. The general euphoria of religious fanatics, the collapse of the materialist foundation of modern science - all of which can lead to irreversible and the terrible consequences. Therefore, photographs were immediately classified as secret, and access to images of the City of God received only vested with special powers are people who really, and not on TV, control the lives of individual countries and the planet as a whole.
However, the secrecy - not the best means of achieving goals, and against any castle there is a skeleton key. We offer our readers a series of images sent to the ... Today we can only expect an official response of state agencies and institutions of higher officials of the Church on the error detected by astronomers of what many thousands of years mankind could only guess.
Secret U.S. intelligence services have put in their safes information that is of great importance for the whole of the universe. But how can you hide such a stunning revelation? . Or by virtue of establishing full U.S. domination of the planet, or as redundant due to the complete declassification of the archives today's secrets and mysteries. Well, we have to wait for the opening of safe deposit boxes in the U.S. are. Abode of God was hidden from the earthlings reliable than in the depths of the Universe.
On the subject:. Huge ships fly to the Earth.
вторник, 24 апреля 2012 г.
Wildlife division
Back in 1914? .
Hazing, which arises on the basis of ethnic conflict have increasingly come to the attention the media.
Such cases, we recall, in recent years often come to the attention of the media. In this regard, the General Staff decided to resort to the historical experience of the Russian Imperial Army when, during the First World War was formed Cavalry Division, in the regiments which have served the recruits of the same nationality and adherents of one religion ( Islam). Later part of the mono- existed in the Red Army.
As written today, ... In its structure, they resemble the Chechen battalions of spetsnaz GRU ... The reason for such an experiment, as noted above, were the facts of violence in a number of garrisons, where troops from the Caucasus, beaten and terrorized by his colleagues from other regions of the country.
Just last Friday, ...
As a result, the head of the Colonel Dmitry Kuznetsov, was forced to ask for help in restoring order in the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Kama. In addition, on the facts of violence was initiated more than a dozen criminal cases.
Meanwhile, experts interviewed by the newspaper, noted that this principle is fraught with problems of acquisition. As an example, they cite the beginning of World War II, when entire battalions, recruited from ethnic minorities, refused to obey the Soviet command and massively over to the enemy. According to them, the formation of divisions along ethnic lines earlier, did not go a good life. ... And for the war had to be ... Now the situation is different. Russia is trying to build a democratic society. And accordingly, the army it must be democratic and internationalist ...
However, experts agree that the deterioration of the demographic situation and the increasing birth rate in the North Caucasus, in the near future recruits Muslims from this region account for over half of all troops of the Russian army. On the one hand - well, that they all served in one part, division, and they were commanded by their fellow- officers, but on the other hand, - the principle of acquisition is fraught with many problems. According to a member of the Association of Reserve Officers Associations of the Armed Forces, Major-General Vladimir Bogatyrev, forming part of national or religious lines in the army of the problems associated with the strengthening of capacity of troops, it will not save. According to him, ways to improve law and order in military units are well known and tested in many civilized countries. ... Them, the Defense Ministry is ready to retrain the military police, who will oversee the Army. ...
Meanwhile, we note that the West has successful experience in the formation of military units of the national minorities. This, first of all, talking about an elite British Army unit that successfully serves the Crown for nearly 200 years. Service there are natives of Nepal. Around the world are known as Gurkhas. Until recently, the French colonial army and there were shelves and spahis Zouaves, recruited from the Algerians, Tunisians and Moroccans. They have successfully fought for France in all the wars that led up to it as long as the country has not lost its colonies. During the Second World War in the United States Army military unit was formed, which served as the Navajo Indians. In the world of these success stories, there are many. Actually, it is worth recalling that she ...
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понедельник, 23 апреля 2012 г.
The new man - Terminator
In the legends and myths of immortal gods but only certain characters who have received this gift for his outstanding feats. And nowhere is said, went there for the benefit of them, this had fallen from heaven 's mercy. All others must eventually leave this very vale. So ordered nature.
However, there is another point of view. Even in the nineteenth century it was suggested by the German scientist Weisman. He believed that nature was not programmed death as the inevitable end of all life. On the other hand, creating the first living creatures, microbes, it has doomed them to immortality. Indeed, the simplest multiply by division, from one organism results in two, each of which, in turn, is also divided, and so on to infinity.
Death, according to Weismann, there was much later, in the further evolution to a constant succession of generations of descendants to release vital niche. At the same time appeared, and old age - as preparation for the inevitability of the fatal. Thus, death is not required because the original is not programmed. So, is not required, and old age.
Despite the fantastic nature of this hypothesis it has adherents, and in our time. All the more so from a variety of human genes, transcript of which was rapid, the gene age was not found.
RAMS Vladimir Shabalin does not support this hypothesis. According to him, and old age and death - it is mandatory components and dead matter, and, above all, live. Without aging and death evolution of living beings would have been impossible. And she has survived on this planet two stages: first, chemical evolution, the pinnacle of which was the emergence of large protein molecules that interact with each other, then the biological - ended with the creation of animals and, ultimately, human. Now, said Shabalin, on the order of the third stage - living matter within the scope of intellectual evolution. This is where the intellect is actively involved in the underlying natural processes underlying the development of all living things.
Involuntarily the question arises: Is the biological development of humanity did not take place under the guidance of his intellect?.
After all, the same medicine has done so much to improve human longevity, to rid it from the worst epidemic. But her efforts were aimed at to save the lives of individuals, of individuals, but the preservation of mankind as a species, it is not particularly care.
This is clearly illustrated by the antibiotics that have been rescued from death, millions of patients and was sentenced to the death of billions of healthy people, pretending ' homo sapiens ' helpless before the unseen killer. Antibiotics have helped our immune system to fight against pathogens, but they made her dependent on himself, unable to resist infections on their own. No wonder so prevalent today, allergies - the immune system unable to resist the external stimuli. But as long as our immune system a rest ' on a pillow ' of antibiotics, microbes, bacteria, viruses, wildly improved, creating new strains that transcend antibiotics.
And now our relaxed, coddled immune system, which we pass on an inheritance to our children, and those - her ( in a more relaxed state), new ailments afflict - the same AIDS, chlamydia, genital infections, and the worst - fungal formation, affecting . If the immune system is weakened - and today it is commonplace - the fungus grows in the skin and mucous membranes, and bones, and brain, dooming the unfortunate man to eternal suffering, disfigurement, or early death. That is why such hopes for genetic engineering, not only frees man from the real, but also from possible diseases, without weakening the immune system.
Biorobot - option.
Thus, the third stage of evolution - is, in particular, when the intellect interferes with the genetic program of development of living beings. And intervenes actively: we can cut out the abnormal gene can insert a healthy gene is required - in other words, we begin to implement some approaches to a change in the genome, to manage them. This is the first component of intellectual evolution.
The second component - search for approaches to the formation of man of the future, specifically endowed with new qualities. He has already come up with the name: ' mighty men '. But what it will look like? .
This is done. British scientist Kevin Warwick implanted a microchip in your forearm. Only in the forearm - and this gave him the opportunity to maintain contact with the institute mental computer, and through him to give the team a computer in his house: open window or door, turn on the stove in the kitchen, etc. Dr.. You can imagine the possibilities open to Warwick, when he implanted a microchip in the brain, and that is what he is going to soon realize.
Went further Russian professor, who lives in the United States, Alexander Bolonkin. However, while theoretically. According to his prophecy, the time will come when mankind will be forced to replace all the neurons of the brain microchips, finding, therefore, the real immortality, and the body to manufacture of steel, replacing parts of it as wear and tear. So the idea of combining biology with artificial structures, the creation of original termination does not groundless fiction. But whether it is a forced way of evolution?.
- This situation can not be excluded, - said Vladimir Shabalin. - It is known that all living species to determine the nature of existence of the term. At the end of it they go away from the scene, freeing up other. Also, and humanity - it will take. But hopefully, will not disappear completely, and with his intelligence goes through the formation of a new branch, more highly organized, so that the creation of bio-robots - one of the principal directions.
But then, natural features, the same genetic and biological components of evolution, far from exhausted its potential. And if we are to adjust their intellectual intervention in the biogenic processes, we can get better benefits than the implantation of chips. So, too, that this direction is, and probably it will be preferable.
The top - pure intellect.
Taken to assert that a man - is the most perfect creation of nature. But I think it is somewhat presumptuous opinion. Indeed, that is aimed at the evolution? . Meanwhile, people - it is, roughly speaking, a mechanism that 98-99 percent of their capacity to spend its purely biological development. Only 1 to 2 per cent to spend on the development of intelligent.
The efficiency much lower than that of a locomotive. We need a mechanism of evolution? . She would leave him. And above all, will go through the intervention of intellectual matter into their own development. First, this intervention at the gene level, which had actually begun, then the transition to the deeper structures. In other words, intelligence is managed by a.
A natural question arises: what is the outcome of this process? . Debate can only be of what length of time it withdrew the nature of. And do not be surprised by large numbers: in actual fact we are only at the beginning of life's journey.
Evolution is a rapidly increasing rate, but we have everything ahead of time for intelligent intervention in their own development rather. And the fact that this intervention will be more voluminous, undoubtedly. The only question is which way it goes - by way of a Warwick and Bolonkin predicted that the merger of natural and man-made structures, or the intellectual evolution will be based on the nature, method of selecting the biological development.
Academic Shabalin holds the second option.
- In the early stages it will be more and more perfect adjustment of the genome - he says. - Then, when all the possibilities it will be exhausted, when humanity will be spared from the many other genetic diseases and pathological distortions that will come into effect other programs. The biological in man is more and more go into the intellectual. In the end, humanity will turn into Solaris - common intellectual substance, not in need of biological solids. This substance is, of course, must have some kind of executive agencies to provide themselves with everything you need, but in what form - as long as it is difficult to imagine.
From the ocean came in and return it.
One should not forget that the primary ' stock ', the primary ocean, gave rise to all living creatures on our planet, too, was Solaris, although it is not thinking. Then he began to share the ' individuals ', the individual physical body, through which came the modern evolution of excellence. But life evolves in a spiral, so that the merge again in the Solaris on a new qualitative level, it is logical.
World population is growing steadily, and this process is constant. And the creation of our physical bodies is limited to purely physical facilities - Mother resources of the planet. Not much in the world of matter, from which it is created and the biological world, and above all an intellectual. Since the creation of the intellectual world is more and more prevalent, then it will go more and more material. So that our bodies will gradually move from a purely biological forms into intelligent. In some substances the wave. Anyway, so is thinking outside the box many scientists.
The fact that we already are a wave of substance. If you believe in physics, of course, but do not believe it until there is no reason. Physics also says that everything is made of atoms, and atoms of the elementary particles - electrons, protons, neutrons, which in turn are composed of more elementary quarks. Well, the elementary particles, put simply - are clusters of electromagnetic fields.
So to link these fields to the new forms of human existence, adapted to changing environmental conditions - perhaps physics to deal with that. The more that this process will take place - if, of course - for thousands and even millions of years that we have ahead of.
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воскресенье, 22 апреля 2012 г.
' Yandex ' buying agency ' SMIlink '
In July of this year, the company ... It ' SMIlink ' supplies information about congestion highways are displayed in real time on the cards ' Yandex '. An undisclosed amount.
For information about traffic jams on the roads for the cards ' Yandex ' provides IA ' SMIlink '.
According to a press release, the lead ' SMIlink ' continues Paul Goldin, who headed the agency since 2005. The rest of the staff of the company will also retain their seats. After completion of the transaction ' SMIlink ' will become a subsidiary company OOO ...
The ' SMIlink ' was opened in 2001 by a group of companies ' VessoLink '. Today, the news agency has about 70 employees.
net. compulenta. ru.
среда, 18 апреля 2012 г.
That is going to force players to sign the ACT.
I, _____________________________________________________, ( mob. : _________________________, E-mail: __________________________) ( hereinafter - the ...
The ticket entitles you to a one-time visit to the event, the date and time specified on the ticket. The ticket is nominal and can not be transferred to a third party.
Time of the event, its program, the time of departure and arrival at the port of the vessel, as well as time of arrival and departure of the ship to the island Participants were explained to the ticket purchase.
The administration is not responsible for any delay in the administration of the Participant's ship from any point of his route according to the following program of events. The administration is not responsible for any consequences that entailed a delay to the Participant, and does not return the money paid for the ticket and does not compensate for any other expenses of the Participant resulting from such delay.
Services are provided at the event and are not included in the cost of participation in the event members pay separately. For information about the list of such services can be found at the reception arrangements and staff.
The administration is not responsible for damage to life, health and property of the Participant to any other party activities. Each participant is responsible for all consequences of his own misconduct in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine.
Administration is not responsible for the harm associated with deteriorating health and death of the Participant as a result of consumption of services activities, if the Participant's condition has deteriorated as a result of acute injury or chronic disease, and also due to improper interaction with other participants of the event.
For the forgotten, lost or left unattended things the administration is not responsible. Found items are stored for two weeks from the date of the event specified on the ticket.
Administration bans in the event the use of alcoholic beverages, as well as any and psychotropic substances, brought with them any of the participants, the use of which may lead to a breach of any of the paragraphs of these rules and the threat to life, health and safety of any participant activities. The administration is not responsible for the consequences associated with use of the above, as well as any other substances with similar effects, as well as for damage caused by other participants of the event associated with their use.
For damage caused to property organizers participant is liable under the current legislation of Ukraine.
The administration reserves the right to make changes to existing rules and schedule of events, without the prior written notification of their change of event participants.
If you violate the above rules, the administration of the event reserves the right to consider early termination of the Participant's participation in this event, and, if necessary, isolation from the other participants of the Participant in the security interests of the latter.
For compliance with the above rules, monitors security service.
вторник, 17 апреля 2012 г.
' Literary Wednesday ' - ' us 30 years '
How long will it be a club in the library? Five? . Club ' literary environment'. have noted.
Our club readers ' literary environment' in January 2011. celebrated its. 30th anniversary. Year after year, our ... A. M. bitter.
more ».
понедельник, 16 апреля 2012 г.
British ISPs forced to beat piracy
British internet service providers to meet the legitimate government sanctions if they do not pokonchast with online piracy until April 2009. This was stated by the minister in his Friday interview.
As reported in a conversation with the Financial Times Secretary of the Ministry of Culture Andy Burnham (Andy Burnham), ' April 2009 - a clear signal to the British resolve in the fight against illegal downloading of movies and music, which is media companies billions of pounds, which, in turn, negatively affects the .
' Let me finally clarify this delicate situation: the change of tone of the Government in relation to providers. This is absolutely a serious legislative intent ...
He added that if service providers can support the initiative of the government, as well as the 'will to move forward with dignity ', changing the direction of the dialogue in the direction of friendly and innovative business relationships, it can change the ways of solving problems. The Financial Times noted that, according to their data every year six million British Internet users illegally downloading files from the web.
воскресенье, 15 апреля 2012 г.
But in our house again...
Ask any questions in the earnings, business, ideas, etc. n. You can even ask about the personal life. My answer to all the best of their knowledge and experience. Leave questions in the comments. Answers - in the next post.
The rights of the owner and purely for PR. Competition for 15,000 rubles. :.
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пятница, 6 апреля 2012 г.
Ten- American opened a new chemical compound
Ten-year girl from an American city of Kansas City, doing the job the teacher accidentally invented a previously unknown molecular structure - a new substance that may help in the creation of new methods of energy storage.
Lazy Pyatiklassnitsa Claire attends a school that operates according to the method of Maria Montessori. One of the lessons she and her classmates were assigned to - build models of molecules of the colored balls, ... Claire assembled from parts - ...
He was contacted by e-mail from his friend Bob Zellner, a professor of chemistry at the University, and sent him a picture of a strange design. Zellner was not able to respond immediately to his friend, known to chemists is the substance.
The scientist studied the database of articles, which stores the scientific work in chemistry in 1904, and found only one article, which referred to a substance - tetranitratoksikarbon. However, the structure devised schoolgirl atoms were located in a different order, and thus the chemical properties of this molecule should be different.
Zellner, who is engaged in computer modeling of new chemical compounds, studied the structure and concluded that this substance can be used for energy conservation. He noted that it contains the same group of atoms, like nitroglycerin - a powerful explosive. Maybe Claire actually invented a new type of explosives, and maybe something else.
Scientist posted an article about the new material in the Journal of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry. As a result, Claire Lazy co-authored a scientific article in a decade.
Zellner hopes that this event may enhance the interest girls in science.
... If I can save her schoolmates and some of its interest in science, I'll assume that I have achieved success, ...
четверг, 5 апреля 2012 г.
The first mention of angels can be found in the texts of the Old Testament, dated two thousandth year of BC. e. Around this same time of similar creatures are mentioned in the sacred books of other religions of the world. The ancient Greeks called winged creatures choirs - the goddesses of the seasons, and the Germans - Valkyries. In Buddhist angels are enlightened - people whose mind and spirit have reached the highest stage of perfection. If you have given life to the service of enlightened inherent values - kindness, compassion, humility and selfless help people to achieve their ultimate goal. However, the Buddhist angels, like the Buddha himself, mortal. As time passes, metered way of life for them, they die to the death to gain a new incarnation.
In Chinese mythology, the spirits are called angels, dao, which in the recent past were men, but managed to reach extraordinary heights of moral. As a reward for it, such people receive immortality and amazing abilities - the ability to levitate, to travel between the worlds of the dead and the living, to work miracles, providing invaluable assistance to mere mortals.
Extremely diverse pantheon of angels in the pagan religions and beliefs. Thus, in the northern peoples - the Aleuts, Hunt, Eskimos, and the role of the winged defenders Itelmens perform spirits of dead ancestors who guard the genus and its individual members, in a dream warning them of impending troubles, or sending out a special world signals.
In Australian aboriginal and indigenous peoples of African angels are good spirits of different elements: water, deserts, and mountains of the earth. For example, if a resident of the tribe goes on a journey along the river, he asked him to send down the river spirits good voyage, bringing them in advance for all kinds of sacrifices.
In the Christian mythology of angels - a good incorporeal creatures that help people and protect them. Angels are subject to the four elements: water, air, earth and fire. Each season, week, day and hour have its patron, and every man, according to Christian doctrine, has its own, and often one 's guardian angel.
In the second half of XX century, attempts were made to question the divine nature of angels, and even their existence. Scientists materialists have argued that this phenomenon has a psychological basis and is a sudden manifestation of the hidden reserves of the human brain in extreme situations, as well as in border states: at the time of clinical death, mental disorder or the use of psychotropic or narcotic substances.
Supporters of the other versions are confident that the angels actually - this is not the messengers of God and aliens from other planets. Numerous witnesses described the phenomena of the angels of their golden-haired stalwart creatures that looks like the people with the skin a bluish color, dazzling silver or white clothing. These characteristics are very similar to descriptions of alien contactees made in different parts of the world. In support of their hypothesis of extraterrestrial version of the supporters of the most striking result of the known cases of this kind, which occurred with the Soviet cosmonauts in 1984. Then on the 155th day of the next space mission to the orbital station ... Soon, a mysterious source of light was extinguished, and the astronauts could see that next to the station in outer space, seven hung white creatures with human faces and bodies. Behind the incredible satellite ... Each angel was the size of an airliner. Within 10 minutes of mysterious creatures accompanied by a spaceship, and then disappeared without a trace. Later, the 167th day of the flight, when joined the expedition arrived on Earth, Svetlana Savitskaya, Igor Volk, and Vladimir Dzhanibekov, the angels appeared again briefly.
So there are angels. This is evidenced by thousands of facts meetings with them and miraculously saved hundreds of lives. Very often with these phenomena faced by people in long-term and global cataclysms: in time of war, natural disasters and large-scale disasters. A large number of fantastic Salvation of Angels, it was noted during the Great Patriotic War. In particular, during the operation of taking a Konigsberg of the Soviet assault teams captured the dilapidated apartment building occupies an important strategic position. The Germans tried hard to dislodge our troops from home, making one attempt after another assault. At some point, the team leader Lieutenant Ivan Kestel, entrenched on the third floor of the building, heard the distinctive sound of flying toward him an artillery shell. Kestel pulled away from the window opening and the next moment, as if in slow motion, he saw the metal bars of the window breaks the opposite wall. At the same time right in front of a senior lieutenant in the air there was a white transparent figure of a man. An explosion, hail rained down shrapnel and broken bricks. In any other similar situation to survive a Soviet officer had no chance. But at that moment the mysterious stranger though invisible armor hid Kesteleva, which remained after the explosion, even the smallest scratches.
When ready to the worst, and shrunk into a ball Kestel opened his eyes, transparent figure before him was no longer.
Facts about the wonderful help of the angels were noted during the terrible earthquake that struck Armenia in 1988. In particular, after the collapse of the Spitak five-story apartment building a group of residents was immured under the rubble. Four days of desperate people had captured in the stone. When the hope of salvation was no longer any one of the women began to pray. Soon after it joined all who were in ruins. Suddenly, somewhere in front of overhanging beams and slabs unhappy noticed a faint flickering light. At your own risk, obeying a sudden inner impulse, the prisoners began to creep in that direction, which glimmered from nowhere who undertook a light that seemed to have led them to close and dangerous maze. Soon people came across a small hole through which managed to escape to the surface.
Despite the fact that much is known about his encounters with angels - from the stories of priests, professionals involved in the esoteric sciences, and ordinary people - now the phenomenon is still very poorly understood. And this despite the fact that the majority of people continue to hope that the incorporeal God assistants are somewhere close to us. A survey conducted by the American writer Sophie Burnham - bestselling author of meetings of people with winged heavenly messengers - has shown that in Germany, believe in angels 48 percent of residents in France - 52, and in the U.S. - 69 percent. In Russia, 99 out of 100 people have stated that these wonderful creatures exist, and 86 of our citizens were convinced that they have their own guardian angels.
Today, more than a century ago, finding themselves in a difficult situation, we once again appeal for help to the higher powers, and leaving home, many of us secretly pronounced the hidden request: ...
Sergei Kozhushko.
понедельник, 2 апреля 2012 г.
Scandalous contest has been canceled.
Names of the other two. That's what this says cnews. :.
' Meanwhile, as found CNews, in addition to ultra-fast creation of a social network for doctors of the Health Ministry has ordered the development of two more ... The first of these is to provide ... Its cost is 20 million rubles. Whose term of office - 16 days. The second project - the Federal e- Library - seeks to convert into electronic library resources in health care and pharmacy. Work on the creation of this system must perform at least 14 days. The amount of the project - 35 million rubles.
Decision support system for doctors is very widely distributed abroad, say in the Ministry of Public Health. In the first stage, according to the interlocutor CNews, is expected to develop a prototype system that will support 2.1 of the disease and implemented in selected health facilities in pilot mode. If the experiment proves successful, and doctors find it really useful system, it will be used in a growing number of health facilities and to support a wide range of diseases.
Federal Library, competition for the creation of which was announced today, Oct. 11, should contain several modules: the repository of funds, electronic catalog documents, updating the module to supplement the library module reference and retrieval, management, and module interaction with local digital libraries. In 2010,. to the Federal electronic library resources should be connected to at least five Russian electronic libraries containing content in health and Pharmacology. '.
Summing up the results of 2010go years)
In early 2010 I put a few. goals. Specially recorded them in a blog to get out and then had nowhere )) Now that we summarize.
Thus, the number one goal:.
Run without foreign investment, and the first small project to reach the end of the year at the monthly rate of profit, which is able to provide my existence (about 100 thousand rubles ), and studies for new projects (about 50 thousand rubles). That is, in this area should be two results: the business operates and makes the necessary income, I'm not working at his uncle, but I live in this fine.
What can I say?.
The project we have started. By the end of the year he went to the break-even point and gives the money for their own development. The purpose of the financing itself through the business has not been achieved. But the business works.
The reasons? . Two months after starting the business we lost him an active interest and simply do not engage in its development. Oh and I moved from Tomsk )) He lived a life of its own. In the near future we are selling because the business model is good (once he not only survived, but he went to break-even point, and he grows, without any kind of interference ), just to close it makes no sense. In general, Tomich, who wants a well- worked packaged business with great potential for development and is ready to make a fuss, please contact us by e-mail )) Our conclusions - never run a business geographically bound. That you have received? .
I 'm working for someone else? . So from that point of view of goal has almost been reached.
The second objective read as follows:.
Get financing for a major project to assemble a team and start the preparatory work.
This objective is completed). Even exceeded, because the project is not a. I 'm in a new area where the life comes to a boil soon ).
Goal number three:.
Bring this blog to the number of readers at least 500.
Quite unexpectedly reached) ) Of course, the first time I was very extensive updating, because I wrote a lot, then a few times, he retreated into the background when I moved, or was too busy, but that is what it is, look into the eyes of the facts .
What other unexpected milestones have been passed?.
I helped a few people stop working at his uncle and now they have their own business is quite successful;.
We stopped to look at Russia as the only possible market and began to look globally at all that we do;.
We are NOT a single project;.
We now have no self-doubt and no fears of looking for investors. Full range of possibilities, that is the most important conclusion of this year )) Open your mind, Neo )).
In general, all is not quite as vidilos earlier this year, but most importantly - a jump occurred, occurred in the right direction. And most importantly, thanks largely to people who at first just started reading this blog!.
So, dear readers, thank you!.
At the request of UPD dear readers) ).
It is evident that we are not quick to go around, and then BAMS and all come true for the new year) ))).
воскресенье, 1 апреля 2012 г.
Tired of seo, seo tired
My typical day starts with checking the status of sites in the panels and the lira. Several times a day, has watched the dynamics of the visit. It helps to understand the change in traffic, quality, time to take action. And sometimes it fucking lira buggy - data is written to the counter with a delay, and the morning of the negative dynamics of the evening is a positive or insignificant deviations.
And truly, I love the weekly charts. They both confirm the quality of my work. How to make a penny candy.
Masturbate to this picture. Remember that he took the site with zeros, and now there is about 50 % of the potential ceiling for niche. Then look at the other, have a monthly.
Remember how the site has resulted in an order and slipped a reference to sympathetic kick in the ass and bring a new level of attendance. Hello, Roma.
And then you look at the losers, which is probably already under the filters, because they do not move nifiga. And remember history as a site received nizachto filters, the other suddenly came out from under them. As the transition has affected superbly mail to your search engine.
But the dismal mood does not change. Every day you get up, test, monitor, communicate with customers, fuckin ' with lyrics. It's boring - doing the same thing day in and day.
Another thing, when you do something new. For example, are now trying to start the mass production of Fedorov. More are discussing what we do. But in a dispute born truth.
The hardest thing in this work, this is not the motivation at the beginning of. Since this is usually not a problem - you can find enough reasons to start. Gorazdno harder to find a reason to continue. Let's say you cook every day, morning toast with butter. But one day forget to buy the oil and the program gets off. You go to the wafers. Though mind you know that Butera was a more appropriate choice for the morning meal. And a huge effort is to start again to get up five minutes early to make Butera, not just to get to the morning coffee from a couple of packs of vkusnyashek. The brain refuses to recognize that the desire to reduce the entropy actually need you as an individual, not just a walking bag of bones and blood.
I saw that all things Marathon. Stir and I was something, something as. Well, there, how to earn $ 500 for 15 minutes. Per minute and Trace. But Cho, I do not weakly. Yesterday was just. All for fun, or follow an extended action - such as a seoserial with an unknown ending? . Now razivaetsya productive series - 120tysyach per customer per year. Who will end around the figure of 90. But still nothing is clear.
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